Home Movement Matters What is a Jabong (Movement Matters)

What is a Jabong (Movement Matters)


Straighten Your and Your Kid’s Posture ASAP. The host for this show is Christine Lynders.

We all love Hawaii. That’s a given. And here in the beautiful islands, there is such a thing as a Jabong! More importantly, there is a such a thing creating pain in people’s necks, backs and shoulders and it’s affecting people all over the world. This “thing” is called a smart phone, a tablet, or other portable device. While these things, in and of themselves, are not bad, the improper posture that adults and children are holding their bodies in is, in fact, bad. Staring down at devices for hours on end, over months and years will cause pain and dysfunction in the bodies of all folks, with children being more at risk as this abnormal position is being sustained in the young developing spine. The young spine is maturing in a position that is certain to create pain in the future. How do we know? Because Christine is treating youth in their teens and twenties with neck and back problems from poor posture. This show educates you on what proper posture is and how to correct it fast.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6nFuNKRywXRCV7wNoVdH2MQ

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