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Current Events Surveys

European Conflicts, 2024 (February 2024)


  1. Do you plan to tune in for Point-Counterpoint either livestream or on demand?
    28.5% Yes
    17.9% No
    53.6% Maybe
  2. Are you concerned in what is happening in the Ukraine conflict?
    65.6% Very concerned
    28.8% Moderately concerned
    5.6% Not concerned
  3. Are you concerned about the implications and effects of that conflict?
    66.2% Very concerned
    29% Moderately concerned
    4.8% Not concerned
  4. Do you believe the results of that conflict affect the United States?
    79.8% Yes
    3.3% No
    16.9% I donʻt know enough to say
  5. Are you concerned in what is happening in the Israel-Hamas conflict?
    69.4% Very concerned
    25.8% Moderately concerned
    4.8% Not concerned
  6. Are you concerned about the implications and effects of that conflict?
    69.7% Very concerned
    27% Moderately concerned
    3.3% Not concerned
  7. Do you believe the results of that conflict affect the United States?
    81.1% Yes
    2.5% No
    16.4% I donʻt know enough to say
  8. Would you be interested in more ThinkTech coverage of those conflicts?
    37.7% Very interested
    47.5% Moderately interested
    14.8% Not interested

Concerns about Climate Change (October 2023)


  1. How concerned are you about other fires on Maui or other islands?
    41.7% Highly concerned
    41.7% Very concerned
    13.9% Somewhat concerned
    2.7% Not concerned right now
    0% Not concerned at all
  2. How concerned are you about hurricanes or other extreme weather hitting Hawai’i?
    43.2% Highly concerned
    37.8% Very concerned
    20% Somewhat concerned
    0% Not concerned right now
    0% Not concerned at all
  3. How concerned are you about sea level rise making our shorelines uninhabitable?
    45.9% Highly concerned
    37.8% Very concerned
    13.6% Somewhat concerned
    2.7% Not concerned right now
    0% Not concerned at all
  4. How concerned are you that climate change events elsewhere will undermine our economy?
    43.3% Highly concerned
    32.4% Very concerned
    24.3% Somewhat concerned
    0% Not concerned right now
    0% Not concerned at all
  5. Do you think Hawai’i government is taking sufficient steps to protect us from these climate change events?
    71.4% Yes
    28.6% No
  6. Do you think the federal government is taking sufficient steps to protect us from these climate change events?
    91.9% Yes
    8.1% No
  7. Are you taking steps to protect your own properties from these climate change events?
    19.4% Yes, I am taking multiple steps
    55.6% Yes, I am taking some modest steps
    22.2% No, but maybe I’ll take steps in the future
    0% No, I don’t plan to take any steps
    2.8% No, if these things happen I will simply move away
  8. Do you think we are prepared to deal with these climate change event?
    0% Yes, we are prepared
    18.9% Yes, in some ways
    45.9% No, not enough
    35.2% No, not even close

Hawaii’s Relationships with Indo-Pacific (September 2023)


  1. Which of the following is most important place to develop travel / tourism coming to Hawaii?
    6.2% Southeast Asia
    6.2% Philippines
    12.5% China/Taiwan
    12.5% India
    6.2% Korea
    18.8% Japan
    6.2% Australia/NZ
    0% Pacific Islands
    31.4% I don’t know
  2. Which of the following is the most important destination to develop travel / tourism from Hawaii?
    6.3% Southeast Asia
    6.3% Philippines
    6.3% China/Taiwan
    12.4% India
    6.3% Korea
    6.3% Japan
    12.4% Australia/NZ
    6.3% Pacific Islands
    37.4% I don’t know
  3. Which of the following is the most important place for Hawaii to develop business relationships?
    12.5% Southeast Asia
    6.2% Philippines
    18.8% China/Taiwan
    18.8% India
    6.2% Korea
    18.8% Japan
    6.2% Australia/NZ
    0% Pacific Islands
    12.5% I don’t know
  4. Which of the following is the most important place for Hawaii to develop governmental relationships?
    26.7% Southeast Asia
    6.7% Philippines
    13.3% China/Taiwan
    6.7% India
    6.7% Korea
    13.3% Japan
    6.7% Australia/NZ
    0% Pacific Islands
    19.9% I don’t know
  5. Which of the following is the most important place for the US to improve its diplomatic / military relationships?
    6.3% Southeast Asia
    6.3% Philippines
    50% China/Taiwan
    6.3% India
    0% Korea
    0% Japan
    6.3% Australia/NZ
    12.5% Pacific Islands
    12.5% I don’t know

The Washington Incident (August 2023)


  1. Should the indictment have included sedition or insurrection?
    49% Yes
    10.4% No
    40.6% I don’t know enough to say
  2. Should Trump be acquitted under the First Amendment right to Free Speech?
    10.4% Yes
    71.9% No
    17.7% I don’t know enough to say
  3. Is the indictment part of a witch hunt against Trump?
    8.3% Yes
    74.2% No
    17.5% I don’t know enough to say
  4. Should the trial be deferred until after the 2024 election?
    7.3% Yes
    79.2% No
    13.5% I don’t know enough to say
  5. If Trump is convicted should he be sentenced to jail time?
    71.6% Yes
    8.4% No
    20% I don’t know enough to say
  6. Should the six co-conspirators also be prosecuted?
    74.7% Yes
    5.3% No
    20% I don’t know enough to say
  7. Does this indictment affect how you will vote in 2024?
    27.4% Yes
    64.2% No
    8.4% I don’t know enough to say

Have Local Shootings Changed Your Mind About Guns? (July 2023)


  1. Do you think there are more shootings in Hawai’i these days?
    44.8% Yes
    3.5% No
    51.7% I don’t know
  2. If so, do you think this has happened because of incidents on the mainland?
    3.6% Yes, that’s a primary factor
    28.6% Yes, that’s one of many factors
    10.7% No, that’s not a factor
    57.1% I don’t know
  3. Do you think there are more guns in Hawaii these days?
    44.8% Yes
    3.5% No
    51.7% I don’t know
  4. If so, do you think this has happened because of legal changes on the mainland?
    21.4% Yes, that’s a primary factor
    21.4% Yes, that’s one of many factors
    10.7% No, that’s not a factor
    46.5% I don’t know
  5. Do you think Hawai’i is managing gun sales properly?
    10.7% Yes
    17.9% No
    71.4% I don’t know
  6. Do you think Hawai’i is managing gun violence properly?
    13.8% Yes
    24.1% No
    62.1% I don’t know
  7. Do you feel more vulnerable to shootings these days?
    55.2% Yes
    34.5% No
    10.3% I don’t know
  8. Have you changed your behavior because of shootings in Hawai’i?
    20.7% Yes
    58.6% No
    10.3% I don’t know

Are You Using Artificial Intelligence? (June 2023)


  1. Do you use Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)?
    7.1% I use it all the time
    20.7% I use it frequently
    39.3% I use it occasionally
    42.9% I don’t use it at all
  2. Do you plan to use it more in the future?
    51.8% Yes
    8.9% No
    39.3% Too early to tell
  3. What are you using it for?
    11 Research
    10 Writing
    5 Images
    5 Text to voice
    2 Summarization
    21 I don’t use AI
  4. What AI programs do you use? (Choose all applicable)
    19 ChatGPT
    11 Bing
    4 Bard
    3 ElevenLabs
    2 D-ID
    1 MidJourney
  5. What should the government do about AI? (Choose all applicable)
    8 It should use it
    36 It should educate us about it
    16 It should regulate it
    6 It should incentivize it
  6. Do you think there are any risks to AI? (Choose all applicable)
    8 People will know when I am using it
    30 It will yield misinformation
    23 It will result in loss of jobs
    29 It could be hijacked for bad purposes
    19 It will ultimately go out of control

Healthcare in Hawai’i (May 2023)


  1. Are you working in the healthcare industry?
    100% No
  2. How satisfied are you with the quality of medical care in Hawai’i?
    14.3% Very satisfied
    28.6% Satisfied
    42.8% Somewhat satisfied
    14.3% Dissatisfied
    0% I don’t need healthcare, so I don’t care
  3. How satisfied are you with the availability of healthcare in Hawai’i?
    14.3% Very satisfied
    28.6% Satisfied
    42.8% Somewhat satisfied
    14.3% Dissatisfied
    0% I don’t need healthcare, so I don’t care
  4. How concerned are you about the financial challenges and closures of our rural hospitals?
    42.9% Very concerned
    57.1% Somewhat concerned
    0% Not very concerned
    0% Not concerned at all
  5. Do you think healthcare and healthcare insurance are within your means?
    62.5% Yes
    25% Yes for some things, but not others
    12.5% No
  6. Do you think Medicare reimbursements should be adjusted to keep up with inflation?
    87.5% Yes
    0% No
    12.5% Not sure
  7. How often do you go to the mainland for healthcare?
    0% Always
    0% When it’s serious
    0% Sometimes
    14.3% Once in a while
    85.7% Never

Is Hawai’i keeping up with the country? (April 2023)


  1. Are we keeping up with public transportation?
    27.3% We are doing better
    45.4% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    18.2% We are doing worse
    9.1% I don’t know enough to tell
  2. Are we keeping up on parks and recreation?
    27.3% We are doing better
    36.3% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    9.1% We are doing worse
    27.3% I don’t know enough to tell
  3. Are we keeping up on housing?
    20% We are doing better
    30% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    40% We are doing worse
    10% I don’t know enough to tell
  4. Are we keeping up on education?
    36.4% We are doing better
    18.1% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    36.4% We are doing worse
    9.1% I don’t know enough to tell
  5. Are we keeping up on medical care?
    54.5% We are doing better
    18.2% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    18.2% We are doing worse
    9.1% I don’t know enough to tell
  6. Are we keeping up on cost of living?
    9.1% We are doing better
    18.2% We’re doing neither better nor worse
    63.6% We are doing worse
    9.1% I don’t know enough to tell

Transportation in Hawai’i (March 2023)


  1. What is your primary mode of transportation?
    60.4% Personal car
    11.3% Taxi
    11.3% Walking
    5.7% Bus
    5.7% Cycling
    3.8% Motorcycle
    1.8% Ridesharing (Uber, Lyft)
    0% Moped
  2. How satisfied are you with our streets and highways?
    9.8% Very satisfied
    21.6% Satisfied
    45.1% OK
    17.6% Dissatisfied
    5.9% Very dissatisfied
  3. Do you expect to be riding the Rail?
    17.6% Yes, regularly
    25.5% Yes, once in a while
    37.3% No, not at all
    19.6% I don’t know yet
  4. Do you think the State ought to have interisland ferry service?
    65.4% Yes
    1.9% No
    13.5% Not sure
    19.2% I don’t know enough to say
  5. How satisfied are you with the design and condition of our airports?
    17.3% Very satisfied
    32.7% Satisfied
    38.5% OK
    7.7% Dissatisfied
    3.8% Very dissatisfied

Using Social Media (February 2023)


  1. Which Social Media do you use? (Select all that apply)
    220 Facebook
    127 Instagram
    91 Twitter
    46 TikTok
    138 LinkedIn
    22 None
  2. How many hours a day do you use Social Media? (Round up)
    7.9% 5+ hours
    39.6% 4 hours
    28.2% 3 hours
    16.1% 2 hours
    5.5% 1 hour
    2.9% 0 hours
  3. Your level of engagement on Social Media:
    38.7% I regularly engage with people on Social Media
    48.4% I engage with people on Social Media once in a while
    8.6% I don’t engage with people on Social Media
    4.3% I don’t use Social Media
  4. Your level of trust in Social Media:
    7.1% I trust most of it
    37.9% I trust some of it
    42.4% I trust some platforms but not others
    8.9% I don’t trust any of it
    3.7% I don’t use Social Media
  5. Are you on Social Media:
    22.4% More than last year
    52% Same as last year
    19.9% Less than last year
    5.7% I don’t use Social Media
  6. Where do you get your news? (Select all that apply)
    152 Newspapers (print and online)
    76 Newsletters (print and online)
    138 Social Media
    60 Podcasts
    91 Google
    64 YouTube
    202 Television
    118 Radio
    2 Books
    1 Magazine
    1 Church

Things to Focus on in 2023 (January 2023)


  1. Which of the following should Governor Green focus on most?
    36.4% Homelessness
    18.3% Housing
    13.6% Resiliency
    9.1% Crime
    9.1% Land Reform
    4.5% The Arts
    4.5% Tourism
    4.5% Transportation
    0% Bigotry
    0% Covid
    0% Education
  2. Which of the following should Governor Green focus on least?
    40% Tourism
    25% The Arts
    15% Covid
    10% Resiliency
    5% Bigotry
    5% Transportation
    0% Crime
    0% Education
    0% Homelessness
    0% Housing
    0% Land Reform
  3. Which of the following should the Hawaii State Legislature focus on most?
    38.1% Diversifying the economy
    19% Investigating corruption
    14.3% Incentivizing local food
    9.5% Building our infrastructure
    9.5% Developing clean energy
    4.8% Gun Violence control
    4.8% Protecting abortion rights
    0% Tax reform / simplification
    0% Balancing the budget
  4. Which of the following should the Hawaii State Legislature focus on least?
    31.6% Tax reform / simplification
    15.8% Gun Violence control
    15.8% Incentivizing local food
    10.5% Balancing the budget
    10.5% Diversifying the economy
    10.5% Protecting abortion rights
    5.3% Building our infrastructure
    0% Developing clean energy
    0% Investigating corruption
  5. Which of the following do you personally plan to focus on most?
    47.7% Health
    19% Career
    19% Self-improvement
    9.5% Retirement
    4.8% Community Service
    0% Family
    0% Travel
    0% Entertainment
  6. Which of the following do you personally plan to focus on least?
    50% Entertainment
    47.6% Health
    20% Career
    20% Travel
    10% Community Service
    0% Family
    0% Retirement
    0% Self-improvement

Giving for Good (December 2022)


  1. How often do you give money to charitable/non-profit causes?
    50.9% Regularly
    43.9% Occasionally
    5.2% Never
  2. What is your most important factor in selecting a charitable/non-profit cause?
    10.9% Accomplishments
    0% Popularity
    9.1% Transparency
    72.7% Values
    7.3% Efficiency
  3. What types of organizations do you give to?
    17 Arts and culture
    35 Educational
    23 Academic/Scientific research
    34 Helping the needy
    22 Medical and social services
    13 Civic and legal causes
    2 Animal welfare
    3 Religious
  4. About how many organizations do you give to in a year?
    3.8% 0
    69.8% 1-4
    22.6% 5-10
    3.8% 11 or more
  5. About how much do you give every year?
    3.7% $0
    18.5% $1-100
    20.4% $101-500
    16.7% $501-1,000
    40.7% $1,001 or more

Looking Back After The Elections (November 2022)


  1. Did the elections go the way you wanted in Hawaii?
    29% Yes
    40.3% Some of them
    9.7% No
    21% Too early to tell
  2. Did the elections go the way you wanted on the mainland?
    6.4% Yes
    58.7% Some of them
    1.6% No
    33.3% Too early to tell
  3. Are you optimistic about the winners of the U.S. Senate races on the mainland?
    14.7% Yes
    42.6% Some of them
    6.6% No
    36.1% Too early to tell
  4. Are you optimistic about the winners of the U.S. House races on the mainland?
    16.7% Yes
    41.7% Some of them
    5% No
    36.6% Too early to tell
  5. Are you optimistic about the winners of the state races in Hawaii?
    31.1% Yes
    31.1% Some of them
    13.2% No
    24.6% Too early to tell
  6. Are you optimistic about the winners of the state races on the mainland?
    16.7% Yes
    38.3% Some of them
    11.7% No
    33.3% Too early to tell
  7. Are you optimistic about inflation and the U.S. economy?
    25% Yes
    35% No
    40% Too early to tell
  8. Are you optimistic about voting rights and our democracy?
    41.7% Yes
    15% No
    33.3% Too early to tell

Public Perceptions of Burning National Issues (October 2022)


  1. Should Congress pass nationwide legislation on abortion rights?
    71.4% Agree
    21.4% Disagree
    7.2% Unsure
  2. Are we doing enough and doing it quickly enough to save the planet from climate change?
    14.3% Agree
    85.7 Disagree
  3. Should there be a nationwide ban on assault weapons?
    84.6% Agree
    7.7% Disagree
    7.7% Unsure
  4. Will the electorate have a free and fair election in November without additional federal legislation?
    21.4% Agree
    21.4% Disagree
    57.2% Unsure
  5. Will additional legislation be necessary or helpful to prevent another insurrection?
    50% Agree
    21.4% Disagree
    28.6% Unsure

Secret Documents at Mar-a-Lago (September 2022)


  1. Was Donald Trump entitled to remove the documents he took from the White House?
    5.9% Yes
    54.1% No
    40% Not sure
  2. Did his removal of these documents compromise the national security of the United States?
    54.1% Yes
    5.9% No
    40% Not sure
  3. Did Trump have any legitimate excuse or justification for removing these documents?
    9.5% Yes
    48.8% No
    41.7% Not sure
  4. Did the DOJ and FBI act properly in obtaining and executing the warrant to search Mar-a-Lago?
    39.3% Yes
    7.1% No
    53.6% Not sure
  5. From what we know now, should Trump be indicted for his actions in removing these documents?
    36.5% Yes
    8.2% No
    55.3% Not sure
  6. Will there be violence if Trump is indicted for his actions in removing these documents?
    18.8% Yes
    17.6% No
    63.6% Not sure
  7. Was Judge Cannon correct in ordering the appointment of a Special Master to review the documents?
    25.9% Yes
    14.1% No
    60% Not sure

Expectations for our Economy (August 2022)


  1. Have higher prices for food, gas, rent and other basics affected your daily life?
    42.3% Yes
    32.1% Somewhat
    23.1% No
    2.5% Too early to tell
  2. Are you making adjustments to your lifestyle based on rising prices?
    17.9% Major adjustments
    53.9% Minor adjustments
    23.1% No adjustments
    5.1% Too early to tell
  3. What do you think is the cause of inflation?
    45 Global oil supply
    41 The Ukraine invasion
    47 Supply line issues
    29 U.S. Fiscal Policy
    10 None of the above
  4. Is the return of tourism good for Hawaii?
    42.9% Yes
    40.3% Somewhat
    3.9% No
    12.9% Too early to tell
  5. Are you optimistic about the economy?
    23.1% Yes
    46.1% Somewhat
    20.5% No
    10.3% Too early to tell

Public Perceptions of The Insurrection (July 2022)


  1. Do you believe Joe Biden was duly elected president in 2020?
    95% Yes
    5% I haven’t decided
  2. Have you watched the Committee hearings investigating the insurrection on January 6?
    5% All of them
    20% Most of them
    50% Some of them
    25% None of them
  3. Do you believe Trump was involved in the planning of the insurrection?
    75% Yes
    5% No
    20% I haven’t decided
  4. Should the Department of Justice charge Trump with crimes relating to the insurrection?
    80% Yes
    5% No
    15% I haven’t decided
  5. What effect will the evidence at those hearings have on the 2022 elections?
    75% It may or may not change the result
    15% It will not change the result
    15% I haven’t decided
  6. What effect will the evidence at those hearings have on the 2024 elections?
    5% It will change the result
    65% It may or may not change the result
    25% It will not change the result
    5% I haven’t decided

Public Perceptions of Roe v. Wade (June 2022)


  1. Should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade?
    20% Yes
    80% No
  2. Should the right to abortion be codified by Congress?
    63% Yes
    37% No
  3. Should the Constitution be amended to provide a right of abortion?
    60.7% Yes
    39.3% No
  4. Should we pass laws to expand the right of abortion in Hawaii?
    66.7% Yes
    30% No
    3.3% Not sure
  5. Should the obligations of biological fathers to pay child support now be expanded?
    78.6% Yes
    14.3% No
    7.1% Not sure
  6. Are you concerned that the Supreme Court will strike down other reproductive freedoms?
    76.7% Yes
    23.3% No
  7. Are you concerned that the Supreme Court will strike down men’s rights to vasectomies?
    24.1% Yes
    72.4% No
    3.5% Not sure
  8. Are you concerned that the Supreme Court will strike down other gender freedoms?
    73.3% Yes
    26.7% No

Public Perceptions of Atrocities in Ukraine (May 2022)


  1. Do you believe that genocide is being conducted in Ukraine?
    72.2% Yes
    27.8% No
  2. Do you believe war crimes are being conducted in Ukraine?
    94.4% Yes
    5.6% No
  3. Do you believe Vladimir Putin is a war criminal?
    94.4% Yes
    5.6% No
  4. Do you believe the Russian people know about the atrocities in Ukraine?
    16.7% Yes
    83.3% No
  5. Do you believe the sanctions should be terminated in a peace agreement?
    39% Yes
    33% No
    17% Depends
    11% Not sure
  6. Do you believe war crimes should be pardoned in a peace agreement?
    88.2% Yes
    5.9% No
    5.9% Depends

Public Perceptions of Help for Ukraine (April 2022)


  1. Do you think the US and NATO have imposed enough sanctions on the Russians?
    15% Yes
    81% No
    4% Not sure
  2. Do you think the US and NATO have sent enough weapons to the Ukrainians?
    16% Yes
    78% No
    6% Not sure
  3. Do you think the US and NATO have sent enough humanitarian aid to the Ukrainians?
    15% Yes
    80% No
    5% Not sure
  4. Do you think the US and NATO have done enough to help Ukrainian refugees?
    23% Yes
    71% No
    6% Not sure
  5. Has anyone you know traveled to Ukraine or the neighboring countries to help?
    15% Yes
    85% No
  6. Are you willing to pay higher prices for gasoline and other things to help Ukraine?
    78% Yes
    19% No
    3% It doesn’t affect Ukraine

Public Perceptions of Ukraine and Russia (March 2022)


  1. Is Russia justified in invading Ukraine?
    96.4% Yes
    3.6% No
  2. Are the sanctions against Russia appropriate?
    81.8% Yes
    7.2% Not enough
    11% No
  3. Is President Biden doing a good job in dealing with Mr. Putin?
    60.3% Yes
    39.7% No / Not enough
  4. Should the U.S. offer more support to NATO and the EU?
    75.9% Yes
    18.8% No
    5.3% Not sure
  5. Should the U.S. accept refugees from Ukraine?
    92.6% Yes
    7.4% No
  6. Should Hawaii accept refugees from Ukraine?
    86.8% Yes
    13.2% No

Today’s Headlines

  • NYT > Top Stories
  • BBC News
  • Deutsche Welle
  • NPR Topics: News
  • Washington Post
Conservative Justices Take Argument Over Trump’s Immunity in Unexpected Direction

Thursday’s Supreme Court hearing was memorable for its discussion of coups, assassinations and internments — but very little about the former president’s conduct. [...]

How a Supreme Court Immunity Ruling Could Affect Trump’s Election Case

In arguments on Thursday, the justices appeared to signal two ways they could help Donald Trump as he fights charges that he plotted to overturn the 2020 election. [...]

After video surfaced on social media, the student, Khymani James, said on Friday that his comments were wrong. [...]

Protests Threaten College Graduations, Denying Seniors Second Chance at Normalcy

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PEN America Cancels World Voices Festival Amid Israel-Gaza Criticism

The decision by the free expression group came after intense criticism of its response to the war in Gaza. A wave of participants had pulled out of the festival in [...]

King to resume public duties after cancer diagnosis

King Charles is returning to public events after making encouraging progress in his cancer treatment. [...]

King 'greatly encouraged’ by return to public duties

The King temporarily stepped back from his public duties earlier this year while being treated for cancer. [...]

Yousaf will not resign as Scotland's first minister

Humza Yousaf says he is confident of winning a no-confidence vote next week despite opposition calls for him to quit. [...]

Post Office paid widow in instalments for silence

The Horizon scandal inquiry reveals details of the biggest miscarriage of justice in UK legal history. [...]

Teacher admits murdering partner and burying body

Fiona Beal sent messages to Nicholas Billingham's friends using his mobile phone, a trial hears. [...]

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on Ukraine's European allies to "look at their stocks" and provide air defense systems to Ukraine. Germany recently announced it would send a new Patriot [...]

A British man is accused of planning an arson attack on Ukraine-linked businesses in London on behalf of Russia's Wagner Group. [...]

Buckingham Palace confirmed that the UK monarch will restart his public-facing duties, nearly three months after being diagnosed with cancer. [...]

The Pentagon has announced $6 billion in long-term military aid to Ukraine, part of the recent package approved by Congress. DW has more. [...]

Police in Berlin have cleared a pro-Palestinian protest camp from outside the Chancellery building in the capital's government quarter. Protesters had been demanding an end to German weapons shipments to [...]

DRC is seeing its worst mpox outbreak — but has no vaccines or treatments yet. Why?

With nearly 5,000 cases reported so far this year — and concerns about a new strain — the Democratic Republic of Congo is considering the declaration of a public health [...]

Net neutrality is back: U.S. promises fast, safe and reliable internet for all

The U.S. will reinstate Obama-era regulations for internet service providers that promise fast, reliable and fair internet speeds for all consumers. What happened when those rules were taken away? [...]

King Charles III is returning to royal duties after his cancer diagnosis

Buckingham Palace hasn't said what type of cancer Charles had or if he's finished treatment. It said he'll make a public visit to a cancer clinic Tuesday and will welcome [...]

A baby girl born orphaned and premature after an Israeli airstrike in Gaza has died

The newborn died after five days in an incubator. Her family was killed in an air strike. UNICEF says 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, with [...]

A Delta Air Lines flight makes an emergency return following concerns with plane wing

The flight was forced to make an emergency return to JFK airport after the crew observed issues related to the right wing emergency exit slide, as well as a sound [...]

Rylan Griffen, a starter on the Alabama team that reached the NCAA Final Four, has signed with Kansas out of the transfer portal [...]

An Egyptian delegation plans to travel to Israel after the cabinet’s deliberations, an Israeli official told The Post, signaling a resumption of efforts to secure a deal. [...]

A Ukrainian court has ordered the detention of the country’s farm minister in the latest high-profile corruption investigation [...]

Ann Telnaes cartoon on what constitutes an official act in the Trump trial. [...]

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