Home Movement Matters Everything Shoulder (Movement Matters)

Everything Shoulder (Movement Matters)


Un-Break Your Body Series Part 1. The host for this show is Christine Lynders.

Do you have shoulder pain? In today’s episode, Christine teaches you everything you need to know about your shoulder, how it works and what has led you to suffering rotator cuff tendonitis or a tear, biceps tendonitis, shoulder impingement and even neck pain. The shoulder joint relies heavily on the mechanics and position of the shoulder blade to function properly. In this episode, you will learn what situations or postures are making your shoulder joint vulnerable, leading you to pain or injury. Several short video clips will educate you on all the stretches and exercises needed to solve it fast.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6nFuNKRywXRCV7wNoVdH2MQ

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