Home Physical Therapy for a Better Life Secrets to End Neck Pain, Headache and More (Physical Therapy for a Better Life)

Secrets to End Neck Pain, Headache and More (Physical Therapy for a Better Life)


Six Exercises to End Neck and Migraine Pain. The host for this show is Christine Lynders.

Neck pain and headaches are most commonly caused by one simple faulty thing most people do repetitively throughout the day. It’s a fact. This is the number one reason many suffer from neck pain and headaches, even migraines. In today’s episode, board certified orthopedic physical therapy specialist Christine Lynders reveals the number one reason why you have neck pain, headaches or even migraines. But more, she instructs you in simple easy steps so you can resolve your pain fast.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6mEtEFUXxR_PU61nVjWufN2

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