Home Physical Therapy for a Better Life The Secret to Healthy Shoulder Rotator Cuff (Physical Therapy for a Better Life)

The Secret to Healthy Shoulder Rotator Cuff (Physical Therapy for a Better Life)


Best Shoulder Exercises to Regain Function. The host for this show is Christine Lynders.

Many people suffering shoulder pain or rotator cuff tendinitis or tears don’t quite know what caused their injury. They reached for something and felt pain. They slept on it and now it hurts. They can’t put their shirt on without pain. They can’t raise their arm in full range of motion. They now can’t enjoy their activities and sports or exercise as a result. Why? In today’s episode, Christine teaches you everything you need to know to get your shoulders back in action and healthy whether you have impingement, tendinitus, rotator cuff injury or frozen shoulder.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6mEtEFUXxR_PU61nVjWufN2

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