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Screen Time Reset

Debating Marc Prensky (Screen Time Reset)

Like what you see? Please give generously. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com Proponent vs Skeptic of Child-Technology Integration. In this episode, host Lauren Paer debates Marc Prensky, an influential thought-leader in the technology and education space. Marc has written a number of books on the subject and spoken at countless conferences in over 35 countries. He has been a […]

Why tech executives send their children to tech-lite Waldorf (Screen Time Reset)

Cultivating the whole child & honing human competitive advantages. While researching screen time, I kept reading articles mentioning that tech-lite Waldorf schools in Silicon Valley are filled with children of technology executives. In this episode, I will talk to two Honolulu Waldorf teachers, Yuka Otaka-Bryce and Alicia Mehle, about Waldorf’s stance on technology and why […]
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