Home The Creative Life Creativity as a Healing Art (The Creative Life)

Creativity as a Healing Art (The Creative Life)


Creative Works as a Medium for Healing. The hosts for this episode are Darlene Boyd and Phyllis Blees. The guest for this episode is Noelle McAlinden.

The guest shares her very personal and challenging story of family tragedy which she was able to transform into healing and flourishing through her creative work.
The creative work she used is a portrait called “Little Blue” that she shared with the audience. It expressed her feelings and moved her to a new place of healing and an even greater sense of purpose than she had before the tragedy.

The guest discusses the different forms of creative expression that can serve as a medium for healing and flourishing such as art, poetry, motion, work, music, acting, improv, storytelling, teaching, meditation, drama, and leadership.

The guest touches on the importance of finding a creative community who share one’s preferred area of creative expression to avoid the dangers of isolating oneself that can come from tragedy or calamity (such as a pandemic like COVID 19).

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