Home Tag "Compassion"

When to Speak up and when to Shut up (Books! Books! Books!)

What is our Purpose in Life. The host for this show is Rita Forsythe. The guest is Michael Sedler. Dr. Sedler shares tips on dealing with gossip and how to have healthy relationships through communication. The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6k3GeYp6ipULIhR-EJtgYJZ Please visit our ThinkTech website at https://thinktechhawaii.com and see our Think […]

Compassion & Choices: The Nation’s Oldest, Largest and Most Active Nonprofit Org (Out And About)

Compassion & Choices: Empowering individuals, Educating the public, and Advocating for Improved Care & Options for the End of Life. Something everyone will face is death. How we face death is an important issue rarely addressed in our society. Issues such as hospice or end of life decision-making are opaque and not well-discussed. Today we […]
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