Home Out and About The Outdoor Circle 105 Years Young

The Outdoor Circle 105 Years Young


Remaining Vibrant, Relevant And Working On Cutting-Edge Technology In Keeping Hawaii Clean, Green And Beautiful. What is The Outdoor Circle, its origin, and what is its mission? How has its focus changed over the decades? Why is The Outdoor Circle needed now as much as ever? What is its structure with its branches and what sort of work do they focus on? What are some examples of things that the Greater Waikiki Branch is focusing on and how is this branch different than others? What are some of the projects that central office of The Outdoor Circle has been working on? Learn about the Citizen Forester Program, the Carbon Neutrality Initiative, the Exceptional Tree Program and Mapping, the work on the Google Trekker Mapping of off-road sites in Hawaii. Learn about Nature walks in the Greater Waikiki Branch area of Honolulu and how you can get involved with The Outdoor Circle and its branches.

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