Home The State of the State of Hawaii Hugest State Education Federal Funding Ever (The State of the State of Hawaii)

Hugest State Education Federal Funding Ever (The State of the State of Hawaii)


DOE Plans Equitable Funding P-12 Schools. The host for this show is Stephanie Dalton. The guest is Cheri Nakamura.

The President signed into law unprecedented funding amounts for preschool, elementary and secondary education for all states to relieve effects of Covid on schools and students’ learning. Since March of 2021, more than $122 billiion dollars has been delivered to states through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) law. Of these funds, Hawaii received about $700 million to restore all P-12 schools. The Guest discusses how DOE will distribute the funds equitably to all schools to address learning loss and social, emotional and developmental distress among students. Will the task challenge DOE’s processes and maximize the opportunities in deploying the funds on behalf of all students?

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6kM9iSIOM9VYSO4dIoRJXz1

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