Home Crossroads in Learning COVID-19: Reflect and Reset with Mele Murals (Crossroads in Learning)

COVID-19: Reflect and Reset with Mele Murals (Crossroads in Learning)


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Mele Murals in Public schools during COVID-19. The Estria Foundation Proudly supports the Arts, P-20+ Education and the beautifying of public spaces. Founder and lead artist Estria Miyashiro is also an activist highlighting the social and political power behind painting and the arts. In 2010 he founded the Estria Foundation to raise social consciousness through public art projects, education and community events. As we adapt to the constant changes due to COVID-19, the foundation has embraced the opportunity to collaborate, reset, and reflect. Join us as we discuss art and our keiki in our these ever changing times. The host for this episode is Kecia King. The guest for this episode is Estria Miyashiro.

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