Home The Middle Way Teaching Young People Globally, Part 1 (The Middle Way)

Teaching Young People Globally, Part 1 (The Middle Way)


The Future Belongs to Young People. The host for this episode is Jay Fidell. The guests for this episode are Chang Wang and Alexander H.E. Morawa.

As law professors, Alexander H.E. Morawa and Chang Wang have been teaching Millennials (Generation Y) and Zoomers (Generation Z) in the US, China, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. The younger generations are generally more open-minded and digitally literate. Are newer generations of students indeed more globalized? Are young people more politically progressive?Did the general political climate cause the pendulum to swing back to more national/inward-looking? How do they view the decline of the Western liberal democracy? How did they view the United States in the past four years? What are the differences and similarities between young people in different countries? And what the differences can tell us about the future of these countries? Join The Middle Way to hear from Morawa and Wang talking about their observations on teaching young students worldwide, and their reflections on legal education in the bigger context of K-12, college and post-graduate education.

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