Home Tag "Wood…"

The Energy Crisis turns 3000 Years Old! (Stan the Energy Man)

ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com The Energy crisis didn’t start with the industrial revolution. The “energy crisis” has bee around as long as human civilization itself, And after all these years, we still haven’t learned our lessons. Stan will tell you what you’ve been missing and […]

Natural Plastics and Hydrochar from Woody Biomass (Hawaii State of Clean Energy)

ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com A Novel UH Bio-Refinery Technology. Dr. Yu’s development of bio-degradable plastics and hydrochar as replacements for traditional fossil fuel feedstocks. How they are produced and what products can be made from them. Natural plastics biodegraded in rivers and marine waters. Licensee […]
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