Home Tag "STEM education"

Flexibility and Resistance – Keys to Successful Careers

Stephanie Vasko, Program Manager at Toolbox Dialogue Initiative and Philosophy Department at Michigan State University, joins Ethan Allen on Likable Science to discuss her metamorphosis from a lab-focused nanotechnology graduate student to a researcher and program manager for an philosophically-grounded interdisciplinary research program centered on enhancements to cross-disciplinary, collaborative science. Stephanie and Ethan examine how […]

Has Hawaii Met its Mandate in Science?

Has Hawaii met its mandate in science? Does Hawaii produce strong scientific research? How many students from Hawaii have had an opportunity to pursue their science dreams? Ray Tsuchiyama and Ethan Allen discuss the successes and challenges of Hawaii’s mandate in science. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm […]

STEM Education Made Efficient with Comprendio

Comprendio’s Co-Founding COO Daniel Nash joins Likable Science to explore the exciting frontiers of educational technology, focusing on how Comprendio’s cutting edge interactive, responsive software and programs take advantage of, work with, and complement the explosive growth in our understanding of the neuroscience underlying learning. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am […]
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