Home Tag "Brexit"

The Challenges now faced by the EU (Global Connections)

ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com First, the economies, the migrant issues, then Brexit, now Covid. Gauri Khandekar, who teaches at Brussels University, will help us understand the challenges of the European Union these days, including the economic difficulties of its members, the migrant issues, Brexit and […]

What’s happening with Brexit (Global Connections)

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Updates Across Europe

Gauri updates us on with developments and sentiment from Europe this summer. We’ll hear about the state of France and Brussels as well as the European perspective on the coup aftermath in Turkey. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows […]
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