Home The Ruderman Roundtable with Senator Russell Ruderman Promoting Government Transparency: Hawaii’s Public Access Laws

Promoting Government Transparency: Hawaii’s Public Access Laws


Cheryl Kakazu Park is the Director of the Hawaii State Office of Information Practices (OIP). Cheryl joins Senator Russell Ruderman on The Ruderman Roundtable to discuss the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) and The Sunshine Law.

Since April 2011, Cheryl Kakazu Park has been the Director of the state Office of
Information Practices, which administers Hawaii’s Uniform Information Practices Act and
Sunshine Law.

After nearly 19 years of living, working, and traveling abroad and on the mainland, Ms.
Park returned home to Hawaii where she has served on the Board of Directors of the Beta Beta Gamma Foundation, which provides UH scholarships and donations to various charitable causes. Ms. Park also serves on the Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Hawaii State Bar Association.

Ms. Park has been instrumental in obtaining passage of major legislative changes
to the Hawaii’s open records and open meetings laws, and co-authored a University of Hawai’i Law Review article on the “2013 Law and Administrative Rules Governing Appeal Procedures of Hawaii’s Office of lnformation Practices.”

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The host for this episode was Sen. Russell Ruderman.

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