Home The State of the State of Hawaii Teacher Talk To Endow Equitable Practice (The State of the State of Hawaii)

Teacher Talk To Endow Equitable Practice (The State of the State of Hawaii)


How Dialogue Benefits Needy Students. The host for this episode is Stephanie Dalton. The guests for this episode are Bryant Jensen, PhD and Ronald Gallimore, PhD.

The show begins with a video of a classroom lesson with a small group of Hawaiian, part Hawaiian students talking with their teacher about their reading material. The show’s Guests, who study teacher and students’ classroom interaction, comment on the manner of teacher talk enacted in the video, such as the teacher’s conversation about familiar topics from family, community and culture and other features common to a dialogic approach to teaching. Generally, teaching practice grants students little talk time and lacks equitable participation opportunities, and shifting teaching to endow students with talk time and inclusiveness may seem and sound unusual in any classroom. Guests discuss the differences and their value especially for needy students, and share findings about how to support teachers intending to shift to more dialogue-based approaches. Specific outcomes of more equitable teaching practices are also presented.

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