Home Islamabad Today Action for Environmentalism in the EU (Islamabad Today)

Action for Environmentalism in the EU (Islamabad Today)


Climate, Education, Zero Pollution. The host for this show is Hamzah Rifaat Hussain. The guest is Andy Vermaut.

This episode explores initiatives such as the European Climate Pact with Ambassador of the ECP in Belgium, Mr. Andy Vermaut. As an advocate for sustainable farming and environmental protection, Mr. Vermaut has urged the European Union to take action to reduce air pollution and improve air quality. With a framework which considers climate change as a serious issue with regard to environmental degradation, rising temperatures and declining air quality, the discussion focuses on 1) how such initiatives can mitigate losses to human life and 2) the impediments Europe faces in realizing the objectives that Mr. Vermaut seeks to achieve.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6kbWEVUysNAmZ2O-Kg79PxN

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Atherton Family Foundation
Carol Mon Lee
Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education
Michael Sklarz
The Cooke Foundation
Hawaii Energy
Hawaii Energy Policy Forum
Hawaiian Electric
Galen Ho of Immersive Worlds
Kamehameha Schools
Roberts S. Toyofuku and Pacific Law Insitute
Sharon Y. Moriwaki
Shidler Family Foundation
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Volo Foundation
Yuriko J. Sugimura

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