Law Professor Becomes Dean!

Professor Danielle Conway will be the first African American to lead Maine’s public and only law school starting July 1, 2015. She will become the 7th Dean of the University of Maine Law School since its founding in 1962. Viewers know Prof. Conway as the former ThinkTech Hawaii host of “Life and the Law” while […]

Today’s Headlines

  • NYT > Top Stories
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  • Washington Post
- Glenn Thrush and Megan Specia
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, Agrees to Plead Guilty in Deal With U.S.

Barring last-minute snags, the deal would bring to an end a prolonged battle that began after the WikiLeaks founder became alternately celebrated and reviled for revealing state secrets in the [...]

- Charlie Savage
A Timeline of Julian Assange’s Legal Saga

A plea deal brought an abrupt end to an extraordinary legal saga that has raised novel issues of national security, press freedoms, politics and diplomacy. [...]

- Sharon LaFraniere
They Came to See Trump. First They Heard a Pitch to Buy Gold and Silver.

At a recent campaign speech, one of Donald Trump’s warm-up acts was a precious metals salesman being sued by federal regulators for fraud. [...]

- Katie Rogers
Inside Biden’s Presidential Debate Prep at Camp David

President Biden’s aides are working to position him as a campaign-season fighter who can counterpunch on the fly and combat voters’ concerns about his age. [...]

- Jess Bidgood
Trump-Biden Debate Will Be Hard to Watch for These Voters

“This is the most apprehensive I’ve felt about a presidential debate,” said one voter who usually supports Democrats. “I sense a disaster in the making where neither will look presidential.” [...]

Julian Assange leaves UK after being freed in US plea deal

The WikiLeaks founder is freed from a London jail after agreeing to plead guilty to criminal charges. [...]

Age anxiety hangs over first Biden-Trump debate

On Thursday, the current president, 81, and his Republican predecessor, 78, will face off in Georgia. [...]

Japanese royals to receive red-carpet treatment as UK hosts state visit

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan are beginning a three-day state visit to the UK. [...]

Will there be more air travel chaos this summer?

Air travel is booming, but last year delays were much worse than pre-pandemic. Will 2024 be the same? [...]

Princess Anne in hospital after suspected injury from horse

The King's sister suffered minor injuries on her estate and is expected to make a full recovery, the palace says. [...]

Milei slashed thousands of public sector jobs and wound back spending. Under his libertarian government inflation has fallen, but so too has economic performance. He claims his reforms might be [...]

A new Louisiana law requires all public schools in the state to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms. But civil liberties groups say this violates the First Amendment of the [...]

Julian Assange has reached a deal with the US Justice Department to plead guilty. He is set to face court in the United States, where he will be sentenced 62 [...]

Independent expert Tlaleng Mofokeng called on states to shift attention to harm reduction. She said the change should focus on people's right to health, rather than the policies initiated by [...]

Ski slopes in the desert and a city of mirrored skyscrapers: Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 was always going to be expensive. But is it too expensive? Recent events seem to [...]

- Will Stone
Your gut microbes may influence how you handle stress

A new study finds people who are resilient in the face of stressful events have a different mix of bacteria in the gut than those who get more frazzled. [...]

- Carrie Johnson
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange strikes plea deal with the U.S.

Under the deal, Assange faces a sentence of 62 months, equivalent to the time he has already served in Britain. He is expected to be released and to return to [...]

- Nina Totenberg
Supreme Court to weigh in on laws banning treatments for trans minors

The justices have agreed to hear only the claim that Tennessee’s law denies trans minors the equal protection of the law. [...]

- Ari Snider
Immigrant communities in Maine react to Biden's executive actions

President Biden’s executive moves to severely limit asylum for those entering the U.S. without authorization are being met in immigrant communities with a mix of confusion, angst and disappointment. [...]

- Rund Abdelfatah
A look back at the start of the Zionist movement and its founder

NPR's history podcast, Throughline, goes back to the late 19th century to meet the people who organized the modern Zionist movement. [...]

- Ken Ritter | AP

A Nevada judge is being asked to decide if a former Los Angeles-area gang leader will be freed from jail to house arrest on $750,000 bail ahead of his murder [...]

- Alanis Thames | AP

Kyle Okposo used to rollerblade around his driveway as a kid, pretending he was a pro hockey player competing in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final [...]

- Jack Dura and Richard Lardner | AP

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum is one of Donald Trump’s most visible and vocal backers, sprinting around the country to drum up support for the ex-president’s comeback bid while auditioning [...]

- John Hanna | AP

Federal judges in Kansas and Missouri have together blocked much of a Biden administration student loan repayment plan that provides a faster path to cancellation and lower monthly payments for [...]

- Emily Langer

She skewered Washington grandees in a long-running cabaret-style show before becoming a popular creator of musicals for children. [...]

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